

C.A.S.T. 团队

看到什么就说什么From left to right, Bryan Carlisle, Shelby Taylor, and Chris Marrs

使命: To provide the best civilian active shooter response training in the nation
愿景: Develop training that promotes confidence and helps protect our community
价值观: 正直、诚实、无私服务

团队的心态: Our objective is to offer reassurance to every parent through dedication of this team. 把你的孩子托付给我们学校, you can have confidence in a committed team actively engaged in community training, diligently working to reduce the chances of tragic events unfolding within our home.

The 威尼斯人博彩 District 警察 Department - Civilian Active Shooter Training (CAST) 团队 is a team of professional instructors who have dedicated themselves to becoming experts in campus 安全 and are honored to have received the school 安全 spotlight award. 这个奖项是鼓舞人心的灯塔, highlighting the power of collaborative action and the potential for positive transformation when individuals unite with a shared vision. To read more about this achievement and the program, please visit: SS Spotlight Program - 2021-2022 Recipients | Texas School 安全 Center.

"To say that I am incredibly proud of the passion and quality that this core group of 威尼斯人博彩 District 警察 Department instructors has exhibited would be a tremendous understatement. 这些不是“坐以待毙”的课程, but ‘up-out-of-your-seat’ practical seminars that have provided invaluable benefit to the 安全 and 安全 of all of our campuses.” ——约翰·R. Chancellor, Chief of 警察 and 应急管理 Coordinator

The 威尼斯人博彩 District offers a catalog of courses at no cost to our community that will help build critical skills that civilians need to function effectively if ever involved in an active shooter event. These instructor-led courses are taught district-wide by certified Texas Commission On Law Enforcement instructors.



Considering that hemorrhage is the primary cause of death in active shooter scenarios, 解决这个问题变得至关重要. Our objective is to empower civilians with the knowledge of effectively utilizing Combat Application Tourniquets (CATs), transforming them into force multipliers capable of making a decisive impact in saving lives, 不管是他们自己的还是别人的.

CATs and other 威尼斯人娱乐城 are provided free of charge to Blinn employees who volunteer as members of the 威尼斯人博彩 District CIRT团队.


The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University sets the benchmark for active shooter response training. Our CAST 团队 aims to utilize the training imparted by ALERRT to foster a community mindset that enhances confidence through preparedness.

在这个培训框架内, team members not only instruct participants on the principles of Avoid, 否认, 和防御警报, but also guide them through physical movements and the strategic barricading of classrooms. The training delves into understanding the physiological responses to high-stress situations, 减轻压力影响的技巧, 有效沟通的艺术, 并强调团队合作的重要性.


This training session aims to refresh your knowledge of the General Leadership Principles. 我们将讨论动态领导, which will illustrate what effective leadership entails in action, 以及当领导失败时会发生什么. 另外, 我们将讨论在关键事件中的领导, which requires you to utilize your leadership skills such as communication, 解决问题, 决策, 以及在具有挑战性的情况或环境中的团队合作. 此外, 我们想强调情感搭配, which is to remind you about the significance of your job and how much we appreciate your commitment to volunteering for various response groups. We hope to encourage you to take greater responsibility and show more dedication to the cause, as well as motivate you to inspire your fellow faculty and staff members to participate more actively.


在这次培训中, we incorporate best practices that enhance our situational awareness and encourage a more proactive stance in preventing active shooter incidents. Recognizing the diverse spectrum of situations encompassed by situational awareness, 我们的培训仍然具有适应性和活力. Subcategories will determine the type of training that will be provided, 比如报告, 行为干预, 和降级.


Regardless of how much planning goes into responding to an active shooter event, there is always a chance that things will not go according to plan. If this moment comes, our odds of success rely on how well we can collaborate and problem-solve. 在这次培训中, instructors utilize their experience to help participants work together when an unexpected problem presents itself.
