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Administrative Council

Purpose Statement

Blinn College Administrative Council exists for the Administration to support the Blinn College Board of Trustees’ commitment to shared governance, as a formal organization for communicating concerns, developing and reviewing task force findings from the Faculty Senate, Deans’ Council, Division Leadership Council and Staff Council, relative to college policies, procedures and other matters with responses made to the subordinate councils.

The Administrative Council also exists, and in no way is limited to, the purpose of enhancing communication between campuses and administrative units. Communication is of the utmost importance.

This Council consists of the members of the College’s Executive Council and the presidents and presidents-elect of the Faculty Senate, Deans’ Council, Division Leadership Council, Staff Council, Student Government Association representative and Ex-officio members appointed by the District President.

The Administrative Council may meet as needed but at least once each fall and spring semester (Board Policy BGC (Local)).

Executive Council members:

Mary Hensley, Ed.D., Chancellor

Becky McBride, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor, Student Services

Clen Burton, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor, Business and Finance/CFO

Tiffany Jenkins, Executive Director, Administration

Marcelo Bussiki, D.M.A., Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs

Leighton Schubert, Executive Vice Chancellor

Jay Anderson, Vice Chancellor, Applied Sciences, Workforce, and Economic Development

Myron Dippel, Executive Dean, Brenham Campus

Jimmy Byrd, Ph.D., Executive Dean, Bryan Campus

Chris Marrs, Executive Dean, RELLIS Campus

Deans’ Council Representatives:

Max Hibbs, Academic Dean, Engineering, Computer Technology, and Innovation

Faculty Senate Representatives:

Aaron Penton, President

Vacant, President-elect

Division Leadership Council (Formerly the Academic Leadership Council):

Clay Redding, President

Rachel Gallardo, President-elect

Schulenburg Campus Director:

Becky Garlick, Ed.D., Executive Dean

Sealy Campus Director:

Lisa Caton, Executive Dean

Staff Council:

Rebecca Reyes, President

Vacant, Vice President

Student Government Association (Ex-Officio Student Representatives):

Colbey Thornton, President, Brenham Campus

Caleb Cochran, President, Bryan Campus

Others Appointed by the Chancellor:

Richard Bray, Director, Communications, Media Relations, and Marketing

Administrative Council Meetings - 2024

Meeting Information
April 19, 2024 Agenda Minutes

Administrative Council Meetings - 2023

Meeting Information
October 27, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 28, 2023 Agenda Minutes

Administrative Council Meetings - 2022

Meeting Information
November 17 Agenda Minutes
April 20 Agenda Minutes

Administrative Council Meetings - 2021

Meeting Information
November 11 Agenda Minutes
April 22 Agenda Minutes

Administrative Council Meetings - 2020

Meeting Information
December 3 Agenda Minutes
April 29 Agenda Minutes
